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Promotion of Bryan Byrd

We have more outstanding family news to share. Reposting a very special announcement from Bryan Byrd.

Good evening FB friends and family. I am humbled to announce that I was named the new Principal at Reed Middle School tonight at our Duncanville ISD Board meeting. I am so thankful for this opportunity and I appreciate my family and my educational mentors. Hazel Byrd thank you for believing in me and speaking this very night into existence for the past 10 months. Dana Carter you are the rock of our family, thank you for never allowing me to settle for anything less than excellence. Bryan K. Byrd educators are what made our family...I am so happy to continue the tradition, I aim to make Uncle Lloyd proud. Our talks push me to make our last name worth something. Sam Nix I will always be indebted to you, thank you for teaching me how to lead and continuously investing in me. Kelly Riley Hastings you are so special, the past 9 years you have always had my back! Anthony Criss, wow, 6 years ago when I came to you with my plan and you told me to shoot my shot, I appreciate you so much! Laura Z Jones 12 years ago, you modeled excellence through action and I will never forget your professionalism and commitment to excellence. Darwin Brown our friendship and your competitive spirit continues to push me daily, thank you sir.

Lastly, last year I had to make a tough decision to leave the comforts of stability and I made the decision to bet on myself, for those of you that are committed to excellence and determined to make a positive impact on our on yourself!

Reed community, parents, and staff...It is time to work, we must ensure that our students are prepared to win in the game of life. We will write success stories one student at a time.

Let's give Principal Byrd a huge Alford round of applause!

Bryan Byrd is the son of Dana Carter & Fred Carter; Grandson of Nathaniel Alfred, G/Grandson of Major “Datey” Alford; and G/G/Grandson of Matthew Solomon Alford.

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Registered 501(c)(3)

Tel: 281-773-6756



1721 Glen Falls Lane

Pearland, TX  77581

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