You Don't Want to Miss It!
Make sure you are registered for our upcoming family reunion. The Extraordinary Alford’s will be arriving in Oklahoma City for the 2018 Alford Family Reunion on July 6th. We have fun filled weekend planned throughout for our family and friends. Make your plans to be there.
Theme: An Ordinary Family, Doing Extraordinary Things
Dates: July 6-8, 2018
Hotel: The Courtyard Marriot
13511 Highland Park Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Group Code: Alford Family Reunion
Room Rates: $99.00
Registration: $80.00/3 days or $35/1 Day
Pay Online:
Sat. Day Party: Montellano Event Center
11200 N. Eastern Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73131
1. Complete and return your registration packet. Complete and return your registration forms as soon as possible.
Via Email:
Via Mail: Alford Reunion 2018
c/o MyTay Green
1721 Glen Falls Lane
Pearland, Texas 77581
2. Questions?
Call or Text: 281-773-6756
3. Stay up to date with reunion plans.
Via Web:
Via Facebook: Alford Family Reunion 2018